Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled, c. 1927
© The Estate of Heinz Hajek-Halke
Price Upon Request
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled, 1930
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Eisenbahnsignalmaste (Train signals), 1952
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Glückliche Fahrt ins Neue Jahr (Lucky Trip into the New Year), c. 1952
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Musik unter Wasser, 1968
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Umarmung (Fassung I ) [Embrace, Version I), 1949
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled (Lichtgrafik), c. 1960
Chromogenic print
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Blau-WeiÁŸ (Komposition in Blau), c. 1960
Ferrotyped chromogenic print on Agfa paper
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled, colour 'Lichtgraphik', 1960s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled, c. 1960
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, 'Mein kleiner Urwald', (My little Jungle), c.1965
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled, c.1965
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled, c.1960
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Beige, c.1950s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Chat noir, c.1950s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Entlassenes Hemd eines Handlers [discarded shirt of a merchant]., c.1950s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Komposition 1/58, c.1950s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Komposition 1512 b/bi, c.1950s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Komposition 4/56, c.1950s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled, c.1950s
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Blumen fur Andrea (Flowers for Andrea), 1969
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Kumbum, 1969
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Verbrannte Barmherzigkeit (Scorched Mercy), 1969
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Der barmherzige Urwald (The Merciful Jungle), 1968
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Im Zwielicht (Twilight), 1968
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Der Mond des Lumpensammlers (The Moon of the Ragman), 1966
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Irreparabel (Irreparable), 1965
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Die Eisheiligen (the Ice Saints), 1960s
Ferrotyped Gelatin Silver Print on Agfa-Brovira paper
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Musik im Ather (Music in the Ether), 1947-1950
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Der Gassenhauer (The Popular Song) , 1930
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Akt (Act)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Der Punkt (The Point)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Die Sonnenuhr (The sundial)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Gotische Nonne (Gothic Nun)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Heimat der Matrosen, Fass. III (Home of the Sailors, Barrel. III)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Musik unter Wasser (Music Under Water)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Stiller Kampf (Silent Battle)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Texture - Frakturen od. Strukture-Texturen (Texture - Fractures or Structural Textures)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Umarmung (draht montage) / Hug (wire montage)
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Untitled
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Vorarbeit zu “Flechten” (Preliminary work on "Braiding")
Heinz HAJEK-HALKE, Waiting
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